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Registrar & Records


Phone: (626) 396-5880 x84069

Mrs. Rosa Macias

  • To request your transcript please visit
  • To enroll  your student(s) parents should complete the Online Registration Form.  Go to /Page/8213 and the link to the online form will be found on this page.  When you complete the online registration form you will be asked to upload the following documents: current gas, water or electric bill; if you rent a rental/lease agreement; if you own your mortgage or property tax statement; birth certificate, immunization records. If the student will be entering the 9th grade  an unofficial 7th and 8th grade transcript and most recent report card. If the student will be entering grades 10 – 12 an unofficial high school transcript and most recent report card; IEP or 504 plan (if applicable) and a copy of your photo ID.
  • If you need to withdraw your student please send me an email prior to your students last day of attendance.  Please include the following information in your email: student name, date of birth, current grade level, students last day of attendance, the name and location of the students new school, if moving the students new address. Once all the students' books and/or materials are either returned or paid for, on their last day of attendance. The parent/guardian needs to come in person to the Registration Office to sign the withdrawal paperwork and present a photo ID. 